Monday, February 2, 2009

We Have Too Much Salad

So I had a thought this weekend, on the can where all my best are, that I could try cateogorizing these five days of the week when most fools have to work. It's worth a shot, so Monday is going to be Quickie day.

Nothing starts off the week right like a quickie. Yea, I made that easy joke.

1) Would you rather eat...

a) Cold Broccoli?
b) Bacon Dog Treats?

2) Would you rather...

a) Hit an animal (under 10lbs) everytime you drove your car?
b) Have children (under 10 years) cry at the sight of you?

3) Would you rather, for one entire day...

a) Wear boiling hot cast iron shoes?
b) Grip a hunting knife in a closed fist in each hand, by the blade of course?

What's Tuesday? F'in wait 24 hours. Much thanks to Cassandra for her interest. If you read this crap then her blog is over your head but here it is


Cassie said...

1. A, but is it really frozen cold? Or just not cooked? Probably still A.
2. This one is a bit more involved... we're talking about the rest of my life here! I will say B, and just not have children and live in a retirement home where people smell like pancreatic cancer and mint.
3. A, and then I will where fire proof socks so its not so hot.

Have you ever played the board game, would you rather? Its not as awesome as your would you rather. Thanks for the promotion!

Anonymous said...

b) Bacon Dog Treats are much tastier than broccoli warm or cold! If you said Brusssel Sprouts that would have been different. I love those little cabbages.
b) kids cry at the sight of me most always anyway. I'd hate to think that I'd hit a little Feegle!
a) cast iron shoes of's only one day.....Jeez!