Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Back on Track, Booya

The second post of the day and the first one that really belongs to getting slapped up here during my meager lunchtime. In case you forgot, I gots questions for you taken from media that I personally enjoy.
The first is from one of the strongest works from Italo Calvino "If on a Winter's Night a Traveler", which I say since it's also one of my favorite books. A story directed strait at the reader posing them with a very peculiar situation in trying to enjoy a good read, and see how it all unfolds. Here how it goes down...

1) You've just started a new book from an author you've been really wanting to read. You get so into the story in just the first chapter but when the chapter ends, the pages are blank. You take it back and they give you a new copy, saying the others were defective. Now the new copy is a different story and ends after the first chapter as well! Do you...

a) Shrug, figure you have two good journals now and get a magazine instead?
b) Find the rest of that book! No! Both of those books!
c) Throw a fit at the counter and demand compensation for your trouble?
d) Give up reading altogether, the Bacholer is on.

Secondly, after firstly, I want to talk a little bit about Hunter S. Thompson. The vagabond scribe for Rolling Stone magazine and inventor of Gonzo journalism. Like Che Guevara, if you're a guy 18-22 and you "inhale", you're gonna be a fan of him for at least a little while. Thompson had many an adventure, most of which, for what his truth is worth, have been contained in his books. So just for fun...

2) What would be your favorite Gonzo afternoon?

a) Take some mescaline and go swimming?
b) Take some adrenachrom (from human adrenaline glands you know) and wake up three days from now?
c) Check in a vegas hotel with intent to commit capital fraud on a head full of acid?
d) Grab a bottle of whiskey, golf clubs, golf balls, and a shot gun and see who can shoot the most out of the air?

Two in one day, I must be some kinda bored!


Wakkokaty said...

B. I'd find that book. If you get me in the first chapter.. I'm going to read it dammit.

D. Whiskey.. Golfing? Eh... sure.. could come out with some crazy stories.

Cassie said...

B. Life won't be worth living always thinking about the book I couldn't read.

B. It wouldn't be the first time.