Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monday's Gone Away

I had more than one thing to do yesterday so I wasn't able to multi-task and get this done! The ole better late than never clause is gonna come into effect here, I'll be posting the Tuesday questions by the end of today hopefully.

1) Would you rather...

a) Never have children?
b) Have octuplets?
c) Have one son who is a Minotaur and you have to keep him in a Labyrinth and feed him pre-teens?

2) Would you rather...

a) Always feel hungry?
b) Always feel thirsty?

3) Would you rather...

a) Find out that guy you hate at work is actually Jesus, your lord, savior, and office enemy?
b) Die, get sent to hell, and be horribly disappointed by the lack of creavity?

4) Would you rather...

a) Have the worlds strongest thumbs?
b) Have the worlds best sense of smell?

Hope your week has started out splendidly. Looks like we get that little bit of warmth mixed with rain today...I'll take it.


Unknown said...

Straight Bs today. I'm going to regret those octuplets though.

Wakkokaty said...

a. I could live through my sister

a. More excuse to eat.

a. Just cause there are things in the world you shouldn't smell.

Cassie said...

A. I'll adopt if I get old and lonely. Nothings worse than bringing a child into the world without being able to give it a sufficient life let alone 8!

B. I don't mind continuously drinking water... although I would if I had to go into space. I'd hate having to pee in my space suit from all the water!

A/B Either way, I'm pretty certain I'm not getting into heaven.

B. With great powers comes great responsibility... and I could smell if someone is coming and then avoid them. I guess...