Thursday, February 5, 2009

Just As Doc Brown Wants It

Thursday from now on shall be a tribute to the days of Yesteryear. Since we haven't had the opportunity to make many of the decisions that have faced folks for centuries, I want to bring some of those to you each week, until I run out of history.

Lets rap about Prohibition in America for today. The notorious ban of alcohol that started on January 16th in 1920 with the passing of the 18th Amendment and the Volstead Act. It lasted for a painful 13 years before it was finally repealed. During this time, if you were caught basically having anything to do with booze, you were subject of up to $1,000 fine (in the 20s!) or six month jail time if you couldn't pay it. Weak sauce. Well that makes my first question of the day easy.

1) Your 18th birthday (legal drinking age of the time) is January 17th 1920. Low and behold they pass the alcohol ban the day before and ruin all your plans to hang out with your friends and cruise for Flappers. Do you...

a) Risk it anyway considering the 5-0 will be out in full force to protect the new ban?
b) Concede to the new tyrannical standard and drink soda pop?

Someone had to help keep this new ban above water, and the police were busy enough with ruffians and, you know, Al Capone, so 3,000 jobs with the Prohibition Agency were created to act as watch dogs against illegal consumption. Of course this was a horribly difficult and demoralizing job where 10,000+ men held those 3,000 positions over a 6 year period. So I want to know.

2) You're broke as a joke. You got kids to feed. And even though you pissed and moaned about the Prohibition act like everyone else, you notice an ad in the paper for work. The money is alright enough. Do you...

a) Take the job, lose all your friends (no doubt) and struggle to fight a losing battle for the money?
b) Stay unemployed, sober, and filthy (they shut off your water).

Enjoy your Thursday friends, tomorrow I plan to talk about one of my favorite subjects. And if you know me, you'll guess it.


Unknown said...

A, but only because I have kids to feed. Who needs friends when you have kids you can force to be your friends?

Cassie said...

A, I'm not much for breaking rules, it makes my nervous system do strange things.

My first question was if I had kids, which I read again, and I do. So...